Friday, June 15, 2012

Blog Hop!!

I participated in a really fun and rewarding experience this past couple of weeks.  As part of a business class I have been taking, I met some talented and inspirational ladies.  We decided to do a blog hop to share our creations with others.

I was given Shelia Rumney from Blessed and Distressed.!  I had no idea what a treat lay in wait for me as I opened this treasure.  Here is what I pulled out of the box right away!

The attention to detail was exquisite.  What a lovely wooden box.  Vintage lace and photo on top created such a decadent feel for me.  When I opened it, here is what I found!

This beautifully hand made necklace was warped in pattern paper!  What a great idea.  I loved the music box notes and the old ephemera. The necklace was just my style, and had the word Faith on it.

What a unique beautiful present!
Shelia even took the time to write me such a thoughtful note... which I treasure. 
Thank You so much Shelia.  

Please stop by the others on the list and see what they received. Thank you for letting me participate in such a fun event.

Sadly the person who ran this swap made a mistake in the way it was run so my item sent to someone is lost somewhere along the way.....   


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. So glad that you like your gift I sent you! Thank you for the beautiful seed package printable!

  3. Ooh Mikel what a beautiful treasure. And the wrapping is inspired. I know you will love wearing the necklace Sheila made for you.
